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Friday 28 October 2011

my one year bonsai.

Fig 1: One year old 'Kemuning' repotted in two inches high bonsai pot.

This is one of my first small pot bonsai which I care most. I've used 2 inches high bonsai pot which I bought from the auction sale just for RM 10. In order to maintain the humidity of the soil i've mixed the common soil with compost type of soil. The latter soil helps to retain the water composition inside soil (it traps an amount of water for quite a long time). 
Fig 2: Displayed without moss decoration.

Beside, I've decorated the soil surface with a little bit moss community to enhance the appearance of the bonsai. Honestly,I can't wait to see it in the next 2 years,and so with the others.

Saturday 23 April 2011

how to make a cut?

figure A: the branch before cut
figure B: the branch after cut
This observation was done by myself. If you want to make a suitable cut on a tree branch,make sure you cut at the exact area in order to produce the new desired branch. In figure A,this is how the branch before cut and in figure B is how the branch after cut. The important to make cut at the exact area is to produce another 'double-branch' on the edge of the cut making the branch to double at both left and right side. The cut was left for 7 days.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

w h a t a c o o l M r . M a z d a !

The body is white in color, still running though the engine got some problems here and there. My opinion for this lil' buddy? Totally cute and el-classico! Me and my bro, Jamil (in picture) has make super deal with the owner and soon it will be mine. Its up for 1k. I wish can see this buddy parking in front of my house. Seriously!

Thursday 31 March 2011

learning to understand my silver arowana

My 150 L aquarium loaded with Giant Gourami, Silver Arowana, DBKU and freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii)
It's an expensive fish for god sake! For the love of the fish,i bought it last November 2010 on my birthday without hesitation. I was in love at first sight! I'm wondering to myself,should i be regret buying it? so I said to myself, what a wonderful fish that was and what a wonderful price he got me into.! So, no regret at all. 

But unfortunately on the 2nd of April, I've lost it due to my own mistake. After water exchange as usual I fill up the tank till optimum level but this time I overfill it a bit thus exposing the fish to jump over the tank to escape(or catch the insect). Finally what I scared the most happened. I wanna cry but what for? maybe God just trying to test me for another BIG things, and so I shall wait for it. 

p/s I really LOVE my arowana! see ya again pal. 

L e a r n i n g L i f e .

When I woke up everyday, I've always startled for a while thinking that how is my life gonna be today? Nah...I just wish there's nothing bad would happen even if I do realize that it sounds IMPOSSIBLE! haha.. Everyday when I see my family, I'm happy that I can see them. When at work, I always letting myself to try everything. (usually things that I possibly can do la..not really everything actually! haha). Even if I fail to do it, I'm proudly that at least I have a gut to do it. Though is seems tough and quite impossible, I just let it be my best! because when you never try, I totally never know what in the world it would be! .So friend,have a gut..and just DO IT! *finger crossed*

Wednesday 16 March 2011

N u c l e a r .

As time walk away,
As game off and play,
I wish we can always sway,
Everytime and everyday !

Tuesday 15 March 2011


We people always enjoy regretting all mistakes we've done instead of preventing it to happened at all. So, live our life as those mistakes would never happened. 
The suggested solution is to appreciate! Do we noticed everyone around us? and do we appreciate their existence at all? Maybe most of you would say yes to the former and not to the latter one. 

Thats why in our religion we are taught to always 'bersyukur' or appreciating everythings we  own from larger to smaller things.